Cosmic Egg (Acoustic)

by Wolfmother

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:26 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Cosmic Egg

Song Author

Andrew Stockdale

File Size

121 KB




Wal-kin' through the ga-lle-ry of light Say he-llo to all those way-ward e-y-es Light up and cast your fe-a-rs a-wa-ay Loo k in to wha t you have learned Ho w does it fee l to have ye ar ned Thegiftthatshe gave was gi ven to be gi ven a way Al raight! Te ll me all of your good rea sons! Te ll me e very word you say! I've gi ven you all of the sea sons! Ru nn ing through the night and day! I'm go ing out mymind since I see you Tell m e how I got to livethisway I take a look a rround this town The people gets up but they don't get down Stan di ng on the e d ge of no where Te ll me all of your good rea sons! Te ll me e very word you say! I've gi ven you all of the sea sons! Ru nn ing through the night and day! I'm go ing out mymind since I see you Tell m e how I got to livethisway Ooooh! no! no! Ooooh! no! no! no!!